The links on this page will guide to local councils and selected government agencies. The council links generally include DCP’s, engineering design and construction guidelines and specifications, and other useful council information. The government agency links will provide general information for Controlled Activities, Approvals, weather forecasts, and rainfall information.
Roads & Maritime Services (RMS)
The Specifications were developed by RMS for use with roadworks and bridgeworks contracts let by RMS or local councils.
Engineering Policy Documents
The Engineering Policy Documents were developed by RMS to provide a broad based set of RMS policies and guidelines on technical issues related to its infrastructure assets.
Design Reference Documents
The Design Reference Documents were developed by RMS to set minimum design standards and provide guidance to designers of RMS funded infrastructure including roadworks and bridgeworks.
Supplements to Austroads Guides
Austroads is the association of Australian and New Zealand road transport and traffic authorities and includes the six Australian state and two territory road transport and traffic authorities, Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Australian Local Government Association, and New Zealand Transport Agency.